Aly McKeown

About Aly

Movement has been Aly’s way to express herself and communicate since she was a child. Starting ballet at two and professionally dancing since 18 years old, she has developed a strong kinesthetic awareness that inspired her to study and grow from dancer to teacher. She holds over 1000 hours of teacher training across yoga and Pilates and has proudly taught on every continent.

Through her own difficult challenges with mental health and physical health, she has found a combination of practices that serve her highest self. She is an advocate for supporting her clients’ entire journey mentally, physically and emotionally.

She is a well-rounded and versatile teacher who offers care, love and support to everyone in every class. She is passionate about creating wellness programmes and workshops to develop better health, through mindfulness techniques.

Training Philosophy

I found what works for me is a combination of yoga, Pilates and barre. I’m a sucker for low impact, light weights and high reps. As a woman, correlating workouts with my cycle has been extremely beneficial. Movement and breath are intrinsically linked and an integral part of health. Focusing on my breath keeps me present when I feel a bit distracted. So, yoga and Pilates couldn’t be more perfect practices for that.


  • Mindful movement for body mind and soul
  • Balance and coordination
  • Flexibility training
What does fitness and wellness mean to Aly?

It is the catalyst to a happy, healthy and long life. When taken seriously and treated with respect. Wellness has taken me from a dark to a light place and I am forever grateful to lessons and teachings within the 4 corners of my mat.

3 fun facts

1. I’m a shameless raver. Club culture has been and always will be a huge part of my life. I spent a lot of my dancing days performing in the best techno clubs in Ibiza, Miami, Lebanon, Berlin, Brazil, Morocco and Dubai. I have choreographed and created shows with incredible performers and DJs at festivals and I guess you could say I am a bit of a music snob and carefully select where to party. I met my partner of almost 7 years on the dance floor in Ibiza.

2. Originally from Ireland, I left my family to study ballet overseas at 16 and have lived in 13 countries since. My goal is to see as many places and learn about as many cultures as I can on this life journey. Currently on country 46. Ideally, with a backpack and a very rough plan.

3. I used to live in a hippy commune. There were no shoes or chemical products allowed. I learned a lot from the people who had been living in that community. I went in as one person and came out as another.




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